Source says Kris Jenner ‘makes Kardashian-Jenner love interests sign’ NDA


It turns out that Kris Jenner actually makes the Kardashian-Jenner love interests sign an NDA according to a source. This is a way to keep them quiet and not share the family secrets.

Cosmpolitian shared all about how Kris Jenner allegedly takes relationships anyone has with her children very serious. Anytime that a Kardashian or Jenner is in a relationship there is a ton of speculation about the details. The other half never seems to talk and there could be a reason why. They have signed paperwork saying that they aren’t allowed to say a word.–hbAsKQ/?hl=en&taken-by=krisjenner

The source said that this contract is 100 pages long. It talks about videos and pictures taken during the relationship, but that isn’t it. The source went on to explain more.

"“Basically they can’t sell stories on the relationship or speak badly about them in public. It’s also accompanied by a handwritten letter from Kris letting you know she will turn to the family’s team of lawyers should you break the agreement.”"

The source did say that the girls do warn potential dates that this is how it is going to be. They want them to know what they are getting into and this contract seems like it is not up for negotiation at all. Other celebrities have the same kind of paperwork so it isn’t like the Kardashians are the only ones who do this kind of thing. If you ever get a date with a Kardashian or Jenner be prepared to sign your life away, but it is probably worth it.

dark. Next. Kylie Jenner reveals if she lives with Travis Scott

Are you surprised to hear that Kris Jenner allegedly makes the Kardashian-Jenner love interests sign an NDA? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t miss new episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians on Sundays on E!.