Kim Kardashian ships daughter off to Cleveland in fear of her getting sick

Nobody wants the flu, and Kim Kardashian is no different. In fear of her daughter getting the flu, she actually sent baby Chicago off to Cleveland to stay with her aunt. What about her two other young children?

Kim Kardashian had a busy week. Apparently in addition to being busy though, she had the flu spreading around. Like any paranoid mom, she sent her daughter across the country to keep her from getting sick. According to People Chicago spend the week with her cousin True and Aunt Khloe.

Kim Kardashian didn’t really say if both of her other kids had the flu. I think its safe to assume yes though because according to People Chicago was feeling healthy. I’m not really sure why Kim had to fly Chicago all the way across the country basically to get her to safety, but to each their own.

While sick kids is never good, some good things did come out of this for us. We got to see ADORABLE photos of Chicago with her cousin True. Chicago and True were born really close together so seeing them in photos together, the could almost be twins. Their other cousin, Stormi, was also born around the same time.

Khloe posted the photos on her Instagram story and they features adorable True and Chi holding hands as well as sleeping in their car seats after a long day. After all, being and adorable baby with famous must be exhausting.

Would you ever send your baby across the country to prevent them from getting sick? Or was Kim Kardashian being a little bit extra? Let us know what you think in the comments and stay tuned for all news Kardashian. You never know what will happen with the family next.