Ratings for Keeping up with the Kardashians are plummeting, and I’m nervous

Keeping up with the Kardashians season 15 finale aired on Sunday and something shocking happened. Ratings plummeted to an all time low. Should we be nervous about our favorite show?

The Daily Mail has reported a low in ratings for this season of Keeping up with the Kardashians ratings. Apparently, there was a 37% decrease from people who watched the show at the beginning  of the season to the end. Not super great numbers.

What’s funny about all this? Kris Jenner in ‘Thank u, Next” actually pulled in MORE views than the season finale of Kris Jenner’s show! ‘Thank u, Next’ came in at 988,207 views whereas the season finale for season 15 came in at just 851,000. This could have something to do with the fact that Ariana Grande fans also joined in on the watching, but still shouldn’t the Kardashians have more viewers than that by now?

Should we be nervous about this Keeping up with the Kardashians drop? Well, I don’t know but I have no doubt Kris Jenner will pull something crazy out to pull fans back in next season. Part of it could have to do with online apps. A lot of people don’t have cable and rely on Hulu and Netflix. Maybe Kris Jenner will come out with a Kardashian only streaming app. Have your people talk to my people, Kris.


The episode was an emotional roller coaster with the birth of two babies, the Kardashians confrontation with the president and Kanye’s slavery controversy. With all this dramas you would think views would’ve skyrocketed.

Are you nervous about this drop in viewers? What will you do if the show gets cancelled? Let us know what you think in the comments and stay tuned for all news Kardashian. You never know what the family will be up to next.