5 times Kendall Jenner wore something crazy but looked amazing doing it

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Kendall’s Massive Puffy Vest

This one is honestly super weird. Like yes I’m no fashion expert, but this one is over the top. Kendall wore a MASSIVE puffy vest. I’m all for a puffy vest but wow this one is huge. Kendall posted the vest on her Instagram.

She captioned the post: “temper tantrums get the best of us”

What does that mean? Not sure. Despite wearing this huge weird vest, Kendall Jenner still slays the look. She wore her hair down and straight with a yellow long sleeve shirt under the vest. In addition, she’s got a super fierce look on her face. According to Daily Mail, Kendall has a photo of Natalie Portman and Soulja Boy on the back of her phone. Odd.

Honestly Kendall just has so much confidence she makes anything look great. We should all take notes from her and wear whatever we want no matter how crazy we think it looks!