Kim Kardashian glows as gold goddess on Instagram, from bosom-baring bra to thigh-high wrap


Kim Kardashian is a golden goddess on Instagram! The KUWTK star glows in a skin-tight outfit that barely contains her curves.

Kim Kardashian just slayed Instagram again!

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians (KUWTK) star made it a fabulous and fashionable Friday with her new photo.

Kim Kardashian glows in gold on Instagram

Kardashian credited  husband Kanye West for her look.

Kim revealed that she had been sorting through some old photos of clothes fittings.

When Kardashian came across what she described as the “gold look that Kanye made for me for my Miami trip last summer,” she decided to share it with her fans.

And the KUWTK star had a plea for what she called “fast fashion brands,” asking them to wait until she models it in her “real life” before they create imitations!

For those curious about why Kim didn’t go with this golden goddess look, she shared that she chose “neon vibes” instead.

Kim Kardashian works hard for those curves with fitness trainer

If you’re envying those curves that Kardashian is flaunting, Us Weekly that Kim and her sisters make an effort to do “maintenance” on their bodies regularly.

The Kardashian sisters all signed up for training sessions with the same celebrity personal trainer, Don-A-Matrix. He revealed that beginning in 2019, Kim and her sisters started working on “a lot of maintenance going on.”

Looking forward to various events in the New Year, the Kardashian clan is “more focused” on toning their bodies, according to their trainer.

“So right now, with this family, everybody’s fitness-crazed, and it’s really just to maintain who they are in terms of being confident,” he explained.

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What do you think of Kim Kardashian glowing in gold on Instagram? Does it show that she’s “fitness-crazed” or does she make those curves look effortless? Share your comments below as you get ready for the upcoming season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians!