Kim Kardashian $100 million lawsuit stems from Kimoji, KUWTK emojis and gifs


Kim Kardashian is known for her success with Kimojis, but now the KUWTK emojis and gifs have resulted in a $100 million lawsuit!

Kim Kardashian delighted Keeping Up With The Kardashians (KUWTK) fans when she launched her cute Kimojis.

But now those cute Kardashian clan emojis and gifs are turning into a $100 million lawsuit for Kim.

Kim Kardashian faces huge lawsuit over Kimojis

Kardashian teamed up with an app developer to create the Kimojis. It’s the developer who alleges that Kim backed out of a deal that’s resulted in the $100 million lawsuit, according to TMZ.

The developer, David Liebensohn says that he created, along with his business team, an app named CensorOut.

Kardashian came across the app, and that turned into an agreement to create Kimojis as a team.

Documents cited by TMZ indicate that Kim said she would give Liebensohn and his business partners 60 percent in a deal agreed upon in 2014. The developer also alleges that Kardashian agreed to do the paperwork needed to file the trademark for “Kimoji.”

Kim Kardashian allegedly abandoned deal over personal information leak

So what exactly went wrong? Liebensohn’s lawsuit alleges that at approximately the same time Kim filed to get the trademark, she told him that one of his business team had shared some of her personal information.

As a result, Kardashian was abandoning their deal, according to the developer’s version of what happened.

Liebensohn also alleges that Kim got a lawyer and attempted to get him to drop the lawsuit. Moreover, he claims that Kardashian was aware that her personal information had allegedly been shared prior to the deal, and that she used it as an alibi to cancel.

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The brouhaha has resulted in a lawsuit for Kim of $100 million. That sum accounts for the alleged fraud, breach of contract, and lost profits. .