Keeping Up With the Kardashians has given many fans some pretty unforgettable moments during its impressive 20-season run. From Kim Kardashian’s feisty fights with her sisters and giant purses to Khloe Kardashian’s incredible embodiment of Art Vandelay, and to the iconic argument ending use of the alphabet by Kourtney Kardashian, tons of unforgettable episodes have aired since the show’s first premiere in 2007.
But, one particular episode that will forever be remembered is that of season one, episode 7, when the Kardashian sisters decided to help a homeless man named Shorty.
Now after nearly 15 years, Shorty is reunited with the KUWTK stars in this week’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians – so, how did their reunion go? Find out below!

Who is KUWTK’s Shorty?
In season 1, episode 7 of KUWTK, titled “Helping Hand,” viewers were first introduced to Shorty, a man without a home who Kourtney, Kim and Khloe decided to take under their wing, after finding him sitting in the parking lot outside of their family DASH store.
Initially, having drawn complaints from some of the DASH clientele, Shorty was asked to move somewhere else by the reality stars – which he did without complaint.
But once he did leave, the Kardashian sisters were wracked with guilt and Khloe Kardashian, in particular, expressed to her sisters, Kourtney and Kim, that she wanted to help the man without a home, so they set off looking for him.
Eventually finding him sitting in front of another store, the Kardashian sisters then took him into their home, where they let him shower, gave him a hair cut and a beard trim, and gave him a new pair of clothes, which belonged at the time to Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner.

Later in the episode, the Kardashian sisters said goodbye to a tearful Shorty, who was moved by their kind gestures toward him. – this was the last time we saw Shorty, until the most recent episode of KUWTK.
Over the years many fans have wondered what happened to Shorty, and if the Kardashian sisters kept in touch with the kind-souled homeless man.
Khloe Kardashian revealed that she regularly gets bombarded on social media with questions about Shorty.
Khloe states in this week’s episode of KUWTK: “So it’s crazy… Everyone keeps Tweeting me.”
Kim then asks “about what?” to which the Good America founder replies:
"“The number one thing I literally get asked, all the time is… ‘How’s Shorty? Have you heard from him? Is he alive?’ So, I will sometimes tweet back or whatever. And I’m like [sigh] I would really love to see him. Because we’ve looked for him, a couple of times.“He used to be on Hollywood and Highland and we would look for him, and no one really been able to find him.“But a couple of people have found him, umm like his whereabouts, and have sent photos or tags with him in random photos.“It’s always nice to know he’s still alive and it seems like he’s doing well.“They say he works at a laundromat, I feel like that’s a good start.”"

After an unsuccessful trip to the laundromat in the hopes of finding Shorty, the production team was finally able to get a hold of Shorty through a friend and brought him to the famous family’s Calabasas home to be reunited with Khloe, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian.
During a KUWTK confessional, Khloe reflected on just how much Shorty had changed since their first meeting back in 2007.
She revealed to viewers that when they had previously met, Shorty “didn’t want to get off the streets,” adding:
"“Now he wants to create a better, healthier environment for himself and we’re all for that. We know that Shorty is trying to better himself and get this apartment for himself and we want to help as much as we can.”"

The reality star and mother of True Thompson, 3, revealed that she wanted to “surprise” Shorty by helping him get his dream apartment.
In one of the last confessionals for the episode, Kim and Khloe are sitting together discussing Shorty’s situation.
Khloe stated:
"“We know that Shorty is trying to better himself, and get this apartment for himself, and we want to help as much as we can. And also we want to make it a surprise.”"
Kim added:
"“It’s important for him to get this specific apartment, that is rent-controlled. And we will definitely do whatever we can to help him.”"
The sweet reunion between the Kardashian siblings and Shorty pulled at the heartstrings of many viewers this week, their reunion now marking a full circle of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.
Hopefully, this isn’t the last of Shorty on the show, and he will make some more appearances in some of the future Hulu projects the Kardashian-Jenner family are working on!