Bob Mackie, a renowned designer who created dresses for the likes of Cher, Diana Ross, and Bette Midler, has officially weighed in on Kim Kardashian‘s most recent controversy involving the late Marilyn Monroe’s iconic dress.
Like many, Mackie is not a fan of such a sacred piece of American culture being touched by anyone for the sake of having a dress to wear for the Met Gala event. He believes that pieces specifically designed for a particular person shouldn’t be worn by anyone else. What’s more, being that he was the talented individual who sketched the design for Marilyn Monroe’s dress, his opinions and his frustrations as a designer are even more important.
Read on to learn what words Bob Mackie had to say about Kim Kardashian’s faux pas.
Bob Mackie doesn’t approve of Kim Kardashian wearing Marilyn Monroe’s dress
Entertainment Weekly reports Bob Mackie wasn’t afraid to call out Kim Kardashian for her huge fashion blunder.
“I thought it was a big mistake,” Mackie expressed to the media outlet. “[Marilyn] was a goddess. A crazy goddess, but a goddess. She was just fabulous. Nobody photographs like that. And it was done for her. It was designed for her. Nobody else should be seen in that dress.”
Though his sentiments may not be felt by everyone, especially those who believe Kim Kardashian is the new Marilyn Monroe, the esteemed Bob Mackie giving his opinion on the matter has sparked a larger conversation about the preservation of American history and who should be allowed to alter it.
Alongside Mackie, the International Council of Museums voiced their disapproval of Ripley Entertainment lending Monroe’s gown to Kardashian for the night.
“Historic garments should not be worn by anybody, public or private figures. Prevention is better than cure. Wrong treatment will destroy an object forever,” the Council stated, latter adding, “They are artifacts of the material culture of [their] time and they must be kept preserved for future generations.”
Following both statements from Bob Mackie and the Internal Council of Museums, it’s become clear that there is a line in the fashion industry no one should cross. However, Kim Kardashian seems to be unbothered by the criticism, especially because she took to her Instagram to post a picture of her wearing yet another one of Marilyn Monroe’s dresses. This time, it was the gown the late icon wore to the Golden Globes in 1962.
As stated before, an important conversation about American history is now underway. The Council and Bob Mackie’s opinions are known, but it appears we’ll have to wait a little longer to learn what other fashion industry greats have to say.