Kim Kardashian sets the record straight amid cocaine accusations


Kim Kardashian set herself up for drug-fueled rumors but she set the record straight immediately following her blunder. 

The Kardashians love social media. Kim Kardashian is the queen of “breaking the internet” with her photos on Instagram and Snapchat. During one of her snap sessions, she caught a questionable moment. While fans immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion, it wasn’t hard to see why they thought they saw something they shouldn’t have.

While Kim Kardashian was being Kim Kardashian, she snapped a photo with what appeared to be powdered lines on a counter. Naturally, everyone assumed it was cocaine because what else could it be?

According to the Hollywood Gossip, Kardashian immediately went to Twitter to refute the cocaine stories. Kim claims that they were sugar lines from a candy shop she had recently visited. Yes, sugar. While some are doubting the validity of her remarks, it could very well be anything.

Kardashian has never been dubbed a party girl so finding out she was using cocaine would be surprisingly odd. She is completely focused on her products and her family, time for drugs is just not something she is willing to make.

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With all of the drama the Kardashian family is dealing with right now, the last thing they need is a drug scandal. Kim Kardashian is too focused on her fitness to be messing with something that could ruin her career in a split second. She reportedly hired a surrogate to carry her third child and she was recently spotted almost losing her sports bra while on a hike with her friend and personal trainer.

Just as the rumor got started, Kim Kardashian shut it down. She doesn’t play when it comes to serious accusations, especially now that she is a wife and mother. Say what you will about Kim, but she has never been a drug addict so having lines of cocaine wouldn’t even make sense.

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