Brody Jenner hasn’t talked to Kylie since pregnancy news, estranged from Kardashians

Brody Jenner never seemed to care much for the Kardashians but he doesn’t seem too interested in his sister, Kylie Jenner, either. 

Keeping Up With The Kardashians has always sort of been a sore spot for Brody Jenner. He has appeared on plenty of reality TV himself so many assume that he’s just jealous of the famous family’s success rather than upset that they are followed by camera crews.

Now that news is circulating about Kim’s surrogate as well as rumors that Khloe and Kylie are pregnant, fans want to know how everyone around them is reacting. It turns out, at least according to TMZthat Brody Jenner isn’t reacting at all.

They ran into Caitlyn Jenner’s son at LAX on Friday to ask about all the crazy baby news. Brody admitted that he hasn’t even talked to any of the KUWTK women since the pregnancy news broke. Not even his little sister Kylie.

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It’s no secret that there has been tension between Brody Jenner and various members of the Kardashian family over the years. In 2015, after Caitlyn and Kris got a divorce, Brody even made it clear that the Kardashians are not his family anymore.

He even told Yahoo Style in an interview that he’s not close with the KUWTK family because he lives in Malibu and they live in Calabasas. For those who are not familiar with Southern California, he’s talking about a 30-minute drive being the huge distance that keeps them apart.

It is worth noting, despite his several attempts at a reality TV career, that Brody never was very close with Caitlyn. It was only in adulthood that they really even tried to connect.

Next: Kylie Jenner still hasn't confirmed her pregnancy news

Brody and his brother Brandon Jenner were raised by their mom, Linda Thompson. Even now that Kris and Caitlyn are divorced, Brody still hasn’t been seen spending much time with his dad and he made it very clear that he’s not really interested in keeping up with the Kardashians.