Dream Kardashian update: Who has the baby after Rob Kardashian publicly tears Blac Chyna apart?


Dream Kardashian is a point of concern for fans who have been following the Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna battle. 

Before everything went down between a scorned Rob Kardashian and a rather busy Blac Chyna, Dream Kardashian was with her daddy. In the days leading up to the battle, Rob shared photos of his daughter on his social media accounts. It was assumed the couple may have been working things out at that point.

Everything changed on Wednesday morning when Instagram blew up with photos of Blac Chyna’s naked body. Rob Kardashian was on a war path, and no one could stop him. While he attempted to take down some of the rants, screenshots were being shared everywhere. Instagram shut him down, but he went on Twitter and spilled the tea there too. Kardashian accuses Chyna of using drugs and being with eight men in a month’s time.

While he attempted to take down some of the rants, screenshots were being shared everywhere. Instagram shut him down, but he went on Twitter and spilled the tea there too. Kardashian accuses Chyna of using drugs and being with eight men in a month’s time.

While all of this was transpiring, fans were wondering about Dream Kardashian. In fact, #PoorDream was trending on Twitter. There has been some discussion about what will happen to the little girl amid the drama between her parents. It was announced yesterday that Blac Chyna is

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seeking a restraining order against Rob Kardashian, and she hired Lisa Bloom to get it done. The court date is scheduled for Monday morning, and there are questions about whether or not Dream will be included in the paperwork.

It was announced yesterday that Blac Chyna is seeking a restraining order against Rob Kardashian, and she hired Lisa Bloom to get it done. The court date is scheduled for Monday morning, and there are questions about whether or not Dream will be included in the paperwork.

The latest development for Dream Kardashian has been reported by TMZ. They actually caught Blac Chyna leaving a nail salon yesterday with Dream in her possession. This is surprising because the last anyone knew, she was with Rob Kardashian. Things have remained radio silent on his end and that has fans a bit worried. For whatever, Dream is now with her mom and that is where she will likely remain, at least through Monday’s court date.

Things have remained radio silent on his end and that has fans a bit worried. For whatever reason, Dream is now with her mom and that is where she will likely remain, at least through Monday’s court date.

Next: Blac Chyna returns cars and jewelry to Rob Kardashian